Sometimes customers complain about not being able to access Cpanel/Webmail as they are behind some firewall blocking the ports 2082 or 2095. If it is something that cannot be unblocked, then the only solution is to accesss the control panel/webmail via port 80.
There is a script called cpanelproxy.php that help us to configure it. It is very simple to set up.
For control panel, follow the steps.
1. Create subdomain
2. Download the script from and unzip it into folder
3. The control panel can then be accessed via port 80 as
Perhaps, you may get the following error while accessing the subdomain. Don’t panic, make sure that the file cpanelproxy.php has read permission to the world.
Warning: Unknown(/home/<user>/public_html/cpanel/cpanelproxy.php): failed to open stream: Permission denied in Unknown on line 0
Warning: (null)(): Failed opening ‘/home/<user>/public_html/cpanel/cpanelproxy.php’ for inclusion (include_path=’.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php’) in Unknown on line 0
Now you can access the control panel on port 80. If the user wants to access it on port 2082, he can still access it with URL
Similarly, for webmail just create the subdoamin and unzip it into that folder. Thats all!